- hey man, when I started this it was because I dreamed of a day when "My Experience, Strength, and Hope" might benefit others. I envisioned a great opportunity, where I might share the hopes, dreams, hurts and roadblocks Sara and I have lived, and see others inspired to move on, and "Join us on the road to happy destiny" ((Borrowed from The Big Book)). I wonder how many have seen the A&E Program, "Intervention". I have not, I fear the emotional roller coaster it would take me on. If you've seen it, please, share your views, I might be inspired to sit down and watch an episode. Although, you should know, I still haven't watched the remake of "King Kong"; I know the ending and really don't want to re-visit that broken heart. I told our boys, they'd have to watch it without me. My point being, that this is the very life long pursuit, I dream of. I have lived the destruction that is Alcoholism & Addiction. As most will lose this fight, and never come back to a second meeting, I feel unbelievably blessed to be the very real miracle; that came and stayed; at the tender age of twenty eight. I've thought of the moment when I could quit my job and make a living off the Internet, "Helping and Benefiting Others". I've played with a number of ideas; putting together a web site that would be a constant source of inspiration for others, providing any and all means of help to those seeking direction. I know the almost futile desperation that this sense of hopelessness buries us under, I know what it is to be completely broken and without even the slightest desire to try. Words like, "Thorough Exhaustion" don't even begin to explain the sense of anguish one can feel when faced with the mountainous task of changing ones life. It is right here where I've seen my self, reaching out to offer even the simplest, glimmer of hope. To those who feel completely betrayed by "God". For those who believe in all that science and the modern world have to offer, and would have others believe that these are the obvious reasons that a " Great Spirit Can't Possibly Exist". I want to meet them in that moment, at that very place; where happiness & joy seem a distant memory, never attainable again. I want to say, "It Worked For Me". I was right where your were, and it worked for me.
This was the first step. Starting this "Blog" was the very first step in making this dream a reality. I'll say it here first. I don't want the riches this world has to offer. I like the house we have now, it took 14 or so years of food banks to get it, I really don't want to give it up now! It ain't much but it's ours! Hey, I won't lie to ya; I guess I'ld like a little lake side property; maybe a cool 50-footer to take Sara and the Kids on a few trips with., You know; really SEE the Great Lakes. But those are dreams about wants, not needs. The Biggest Need I have now is to find happiness, and that lies in reaching out to you. If you've read any of these entries and they've touched you; made you feel a sense of kin-ship, then you know who you are. I found a faith in a "God All My Own". Now some of those money hungry Evangelists might call me blasphemous. I wonder, what we define as "Blasphemy"; a Ten Thousand plus "well paying" congregation, building a multi-million dollar facility for it's pastoral staff to thrive in; or a single man sharing the knowledge that God meets us all on his own terms? Isn't it strange that a group calling themselves "Christians" would have you believe that a peace loving Buddhist is praying in vain. These same "Christians" would argue that a man, loving peace, helping others; committed to the betterment of himself, his family and the community he lives in, is living in vain and wasting his time because he reads the Koran and prays to Allah not Jesus Christ. Trust me that these are just as Radical as the men that flew planes into the Twin Towers. They are not Peace Lovers, they are every bit as "Exclusive" as the cliques of "Cool People" from high school. If you don't buy in, you ain't welcome. Surprise you, that this comes from the "Southern United States?"
Let me pose yet another, interesting scenario ...
If the Almighty God of our Universe, wanted so much to have us Love, Submit, and Pray to Him; if He so desired our Undying Faithfulness, and sought to meet us with our faithfulness and offerings; then why would He create only one path to reach Him. Does it not make sense that this Omnipotent, Omnipresent God of our universe would see how narrow minded our most powerful men are and allow hundreds of thousands of ways to reach him. I know that if you all wanted to make offerings to me I sure as shooting, would accept them from wherever, whenever. I, kinda figure the: All Knowing, All Seeing, All Powerful, Infinite Loving God of the Universe; Desiring only to meet us and soothe our hurts, and show us the freedom of forgiveness, would allow for us to meet him, in whatever way works for us. He kinda knew that even our fingerprints make us unique, our DNA, makes us solely accountable, something as complex as our faithfulness must be provided for.
Who then benefits from a God who is unique to one belief system? Well if you need it spelled out for you, it is without question, Not God, those that benefit from this system, unique to it's teachings and beliefs, right down to the book your expected to study from; are the people whose teachings your submitting to. Your tithe, goes to their paycheck, long before it gets to good works! I would love nothing more than to be able to live off the proceedes of my work, and maybe most of these Pastors, and clergy are of the same belief, I'm not about to tell anyone what or how to believe though, I'll tell you the Truth, as I've found it, we each need to meet God on our own terms, and trust when I say He Is Right There Waiting, To Love and Comfort You! My experience might help you, even guide you but the journey is yours. I'm Praying for You ... Love, S.
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