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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

- Stacey Gaudette, "The Moderate" ...

 - So here's the latest ...

 "Moderate". Is that rich or what?

Here's my question, "what were they even doing on Dec. 5'th 1985"? I know what I was doing, I was 17, & I was experiencing life. Yep, I'm a moderate! Ask anyone, w/ the exception of anyone that has ever "Met Me"! Such an inanely stupid, and typically internet researched; obviously reading like minded articles; rehearsed response, from the overly predictable "book of rhetoric".

"Moderate" Can anyone seriously be that presumptuous? Wait, I guess they can, because daily we read, & hear from those that think that they have some authority to pass such judgment over any other human being they deem inferior. Sound familiar Grand Wizard? That, in and of itself is what makes the rest of us shake our heads. Seriously, how can anyone pass such blanket judgments on entire groups of people, and hide behind statements like "thoughtful discussion & debate".

While I welcome thoughtful discussion, and I enjoy debate; I enter into these arenas understanding that the owe-ness is on me to entertain new ideas, to offer pause and willingly consider different points of view. The  consideration of new or alternative ideas ends when one party fixates on a given point, turns the discussion into a personal attack and the obsession becomes the proving of said points at all costs. Pausing only to add to their steaming pile of rehearsed propaganda.

One must pause to consider if they've ever read the history they claim to know so much about, or does the inception of Google make them scholarly from their high backed arm chairs? Certainly we all know that Microsoft Word's built in thesaurus makes them "sure sound all educated like". "Excuse me !? The Gas Chamber is ready. That group of people you've deemed as unsavory has grown too big". "Should we line up the people who profess faith, their ruining it for everyone else"? or do you have a better Final Solution?

Oh, I'm sorry, is that picture a bit too graphic? Then please, explain the difference or continue to hide behind "your right to an opinion". The only "opinions worthy of consideration" are those that are articulate & educated, and positively contribute to a discussion. Would your "rights and freedoms" also allow you to smear feces on a war memorial or are we back to somethings are absolutely right & some are just plain wrong? Which is the soap box topic today? We hear & read the mountainous piles of rhetoric that Dawkins, Hitchens & O'Hare have spewed since the '70's but where's the inclusive ideas that make it better for everyone? 'ya hate god, 'ya hate faith, 'ya hate "theism; we get it. Where's the positive all inclusive proposal for unity & peace? Where's the proposal for acceptance & connection w/ one's fellow? Anything positive to add? We're all waiting!

Please read books & study the material, but be wary because the sciences you hide behind, are the very same sciences that contradict you. Have real answers. My education tells me that scholars have believed for far too long that the very "Jesus" you rail against ended this debate over 2ooo years ago, when he is reported to have spoken the words "it is finished". Most modern theologians believe this meant "an end to all religious debate, once & for all". People were being taught to seek personal freedom from all oppression. These are the same (scholars), PhD's, anthropologists & archaeologists, on digs right now; men & woman that would tell you that he was probably the 1'st, best & most successful anarchist that's ever lived! Whoever this man was, he challenged the 2 most powerful government systems of his time, if not (comparatively speaking) all time; & within 60 (some) years of his death, his message of non-violence, inclusiveness & personal freedom toppled them both.

To paraphrase, he taught that if you believe you are free, then you are, that's it. Freedom to think, feel & believe whatever we choose, and still there are those that would seek to take my freedom by presuming they know better then I, what is good & healthy for me. They would presume to oppress others w/ their Google Diploma, divining what must be right & wrong for all peoples. I hear that gas chamber calling again ...

 Soren Kierkegaard wrote:
"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought; which they seldom use";

Herein lies the very essence of the idea. While groups and individuals still exist that would presume to judge their fellow man, & tell him what he can or can't believe; they are those that would seek to impose their will & opinions; that which "they know" to be right or wrong; "we all" possess the ability to be free, if we only choose to do so. Your personal freedom is most valuable & has the potential to define us among all creatures.

  - I say, "be free, & tell them water heads to go fuck themselves", FB & Twitter have block buttons, telephones can be hung up, & shut off ...

Do What You Love; Happiness Waits For You There }:)

 Love; S.

  (compiled from drafts, June 4'th, July 13'th / 2012)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

- The Cost Of Love ...

I can remember being in my 20's. It was a difficult time. Having lost my father at 17, I was a very "un" guided young man. The one constant, (painful as they were), were those people that refused to spare my, "perpetually fragile" feelings, in lieu of truth. While I spent what now feels like a lifetime with skin thinner then a next top model contestant, there were those that never hesitated to hit me with truth. When I acted out, crossed a line, hurt feelings or behaved in a manner otherwise unacceptable I was corrected, my feelings be damned. Without the benefit of parents, I still had people who cared enough to tell me, to my face that I was a shitty person, w/ the ability to be better. In short, they believed in my ability to change, and at 28, I did. Today, I realize that this job, given to parents, is a tough, yet necessary one. It sucks to tell my child that he needs to shut his mouth, that he's being a disrespectful ass, or that his behavior is unacceptable, but I do it, I am his father not his friend. If I want better for my children then, I need to take these opportunities seriously, and tell them, to their face what it is to be respectful, especially of those we love the most. Whether they are 10, 20 or 40, they will always look to me and find accountability. This gift & the people that have provided it for me are the most precious gifts I've ever received.

Today, I am a good and decent man. I am alcohol Free, cigarette Free, drug Free, medication Free & finally caffeine (coffee) Free! I do not pressure my children; contrarily I've endeavored to raise open minded, articulate and educated Free Thinkers, schooled in all things; with a driven desire to learn and challenge any and all convention. I am not a delicate flower; contrarily I welcome any who would consider me otherwise. I (we) have not brainwashed my (our) children; as a matter of fact they would be the first to advise you of this fact, & trust when I note that you may not like the way they, themselves apprise you thus. I am open, caring, welcoming, nurturing and loving; oh to be sure, to know me is to feel love. I honestly feel sadness for those who have never experienced the depth, of the love I have available. I also have little or no internal dialogue. This means that when you say hurtful things, that are questionable in their truth, I will not hesitate to tell you that your words are not welcome.

 I'm left here to wonder how many relationships must be destroyed, how much hurt must be caused before damage becomes irreparable. I know in my case I was forced to look at the damage I had done, & lucky enough that those around me cared enough to believe in the change I was capable of. Very few find themselves as lucky, it is rare indeed.

I've held one quality most dear; and if there is any pressure at all, that I place upon the young men that carry my father's name, it is the attribute of "integrity". To be truthful & upright, to be the same yesterday, today & tomorrow. For me this quality, this attribute is the most prized above all. It is for me, to be one person to my wife, to my children, my friends, family and any, whose paths I may be blessed to cross.It is a very rare quality, in short order today. It is a blessing given to me by those in my life not afraid to hurt my feelings, & one that I share with those I love the most today. This I hope for you ...

(Compiled From Drafts: April 5'th & 16'th / 2013)

      Love; S.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

- A Creative Brain Fart ...

I don’t know why,
I still can’t fly.
I've been reaching new heights,
Grabbing at lights,
Just for you,
All for you.

I've scuffed my knees,
& climbed a few trees with you;
All for you,
Just for you.

I don’t know why
I still can’t fly.
When I look at your eyes,
I see open skies,
I’m with you,
Just with you.

Now we've shared our moments,
Our hopes & our dreams;
Tears from our failures,
Too many, it seems;
I’m with you, still with you.

You've held our future,
Right there in your arms

Chased away nightmares,
& kept them from harm.
We’re with you,
Always you.

You pick me up,
Each time I fall down.

You teach me to soar,
When I hit the ground.

Oh its you;
Its always, been you,
So grateful,
For you ...

    S. Gaudette
 (Written over two days, March 24'th & 25'th / 2012)

- A Little More About, "Who Am I? ...

- All my other stuff ...