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Friday, December 28, 2007

- 2008? ... looking good from here !!!

- well, 2007 has been challenging to say the least.That noted, if you were to ask our boys, 2008 is shaping up to be a Very Good Year! A brief explanation before I move on. The oldest one, being Thirteen ((in the middle here)) has started his grumblings about posters, decorating his room and the like. Now let me point out that he is a very good boy, and generally doesn't ask for much; so when Sara brought these requests to my attention, I was a little surprised, but willing to talk about acceptable material. Respecting Sara as the only woman in the "locker room" we tend to call home, will always be our primary concern. We've felt that they need, first to respect their mother, with that in place, respect for women should come naturally. Let me say here, "so far, so good". I'm happy to report that the random act; of holding the door open for a lady is getting to be fairly common place! A little contradictory eh? Well I want it to be that way. When it becomes second nature and not so random, then I've accomplished something. It's a thin line between, objectifying women, appreciating beauty and just plain being male. The bottom line for us was Sara having a say as to what goes into their rooms. Their mother would be the deciding factor. Sports Illustrated has traditionally been tasteful, and we agreed "parentally acceptable". You can see the disappointment in their faces, it's palpable isn't it!
-We want them to embrace their boyhood after all, Celebrate their masculinity !
- Looks to me like their Celebrating Something! ...

You ever, start something and wish you'd been doing it for years!? Yeah your seeing where I'm going, take sobriety, I've yet to meet anyone who's been successful and not felt that same small regret; "Why didn't I figure this out ten years ago?". Mindful meditation, Why couldn't I have begun practising in my late teens, or early twenties? Well, blogging has become my latest, "I wish I woulda". These holidays have proven to be some of the best we've had. The way this year was closing out it sure didn't seem like it would go that way. The boys loved their Christmas morning, as did we. I felt pretty good for the ride down to Sara's parents too. Aside from Sara, and the kids, these are my two favourite people on the planet. Without fail, we arrive and I dread the thought of having to leave. It doesn't ruin my time though. Don't mistake my heavy heart for doom and gloom. I just like being there that much. I got medicated, and Sara drove back. It went very well. Since being in Aylmer, we've experimented with changing up our route to and from the 401, we've found some county roads that cut our drive time down to probably 1hr. 45min. straight through. It's been a real improvement. We were able to visit with a family member we've not seen in a while and enjoyed the time beyond description. Although, a little too long in the hot tub for Jack, and he needed a nap once home! I have no idea what 2008 holds in store, and I've no sense of fear, or trepidation. It really is like a "Bring it on", kind of feel. I would love nothing more than to find a way to write for you all the time, maybe even commit to a daily piece. I feel it as a calling, I would love to be attending meetings more consistently. The years where I was really working hard for the Tuesday night group in Sparta were some of the best in memory. I pray that my higher power can really provide, lead and direct me to the next step. I will once again ask you all to share, comment, give me some feed back. Good, Bad, anything at all. WSIB, truly has the reigns here. It would seem that their word will undoubtedly be the last. This R.E.C. ((Regional Evaluation Centre)) is a little curious. I just hope that things will continue to move along as seamlessly as they have thus far. You see the pictures, I am blessed, and I thank you all. WE, this Gaudette family, hope and pray that everyone whose eyes touch this Blog site; will benefit from it. We long for each of you to have a safe, joyous, and prosperous 2008. - This we pray for you ...

Native American Prayer

Oh, Great Spirit; whose voice I hear in the winds, and whose breath gives life to all the world, hear me. I am small and weak, I need your strength and wisdom. Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset. Make my hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice. Make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught my people. Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock. I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy - myself. Make me always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes. So when life fades, as the fading sunset, my Spirit may come to you without shame.

(translated by Lakota Sioux Chief Yellow Lark in 1887)

Sunday, December 23, 2007

- Huggers Unite, it's wildcat time !!!

- so what happens to the "hugger" ? I really need to know. Please, if any of you have information or experience, now would be the time to send a comment. I vaguely remember a comic referring to his wife or girlfriend when he said; "She's so frigid, when she opens her mouth, a light comes on"! I don't know about that, I've not had that problem personally, good for a laugh though. Yet, there are some cold people out there, and still my question stands. What happens to the hugger? How long till the cold people suck us dry? What'll you all do when our tanks go empty. I've said it before, and I'm sure it'll be said again; "I'm a hugger". I'll tell you here and now that I'm sick and tired of carrying the load. I'm guessing that I probably speak for others who are a little fed up with the cold people hiding behind their frigid B.S. You know what, We Don't Care if your parents didn't cuddle you enough; try crying into a pillow, all by yourself, see how that feels. Whimper away in your little corner and cry a river all alone, how does that sound? With no one to hold you and comfort your fears, or wipe your tears. I know that you can figure out where the tissues are, how about no one getting up to get those for you? I'm about ready to lead a Lock-out, on all Hugs and Comforting. That way all you cold, frigid, complaining M.F'rs. can have it your way. We'll have some time to fill our batteries, and you all; can get a sense of what it's like to be totally, completely alone. You'll have no one to hug you and make you feel loved, no one to comfort you and build you up when you feel down, you'll have no one to hold you when your feeling alone and tired. All those times you've cringed at the sight of our open arms approaching; you'll get what you've always wanted. You will get to feel completely cold, and totally alone. Exactly the way you make us; The Huggers, feel with your cold frigid, unfeeling B.S.

Now, hold on my Lovelies, I know your probably a little surprised, your saying hey big man, that ain't you, your just a little bitter today. Maybe your just aching a little from that great night of tossing and turning on your five piece sectional. Your wondering why I'm advocating a Wild Cat Strike for all the Huggers. Let me explain... As I lay cold and alone, on the downstairs sofa, with my toes in my 13 year old's ears; I had a moment of absolute terror. I imagined a world where we all ran out. For a brief moment; I perceived a place where all you cold, bitter, unfeeling dead-beats, had no one. In my minds eye you were all moping around, complaining that Daddy & Mommy didn't hug you enough, whimpering about how the world hates you and everyone is out to get you. You would freely commit your crimes and rest comfortably on all of your justifications and sound excuses. Then, when it came time to have someone sympathise, there was no one. All of us; The Huggers, were gone. We couldn't possibly, care less, anymore! Our tanks empty, dried up and used to the very bone; we packed our bags. Not that we were bitter, it really isn't our way. More like we really needed a drink; so, not having a lot of reasons to trust, we did the responsible thing. We took our ball in hand, spun on our heel, walked away, and went home. You see, at home we can always get what we need, there mom will always be waiting to fill our tanks back up. At home we can always be assured that there is a big box of cereal in the cupboard, there is always enough milk in the refrigerator. At home we can sit, big bowl of cereal in our lap, right in front of the T.V. and watch Saturday Morning Cartoons. Lost in absolute, pure, total security! At home we learned how to love because it was freely provided; the same way we provide it to you! Just because you all didn't, doesn't mean you lack the ability to learn from us. It is about time you take up the task at hand and begin to reciprocate that which has been so freely given to you. Go ahead and look down on us, The Huggers, laugh at our ability to openly show our desire to love. Make fun, and openly joke while we sit, arms wide open ready to catch you when you fall. But know this, we have every ability to shut the very arms you take for granted. What a world; if we, some day took away the very same arms you seek out. The very place in which your frigid, cold, unfeeling heart feels warmth. Food for thought! You should know that our desire to love, so freely is very much a choice, as much as it is my choice to distance myself from those who continue to cause me hurt. We really can, take or leave those cold hearted people in our lives. We are here for you, it would seem. So you have somewhere to land when your bitterness trips you up. A call to "Closed Arms" for all The Huggers !? Who knows, maybe a wake up call for all the cold hearted. It seems to me that; Love so freely given, shouldn't be taken for granted. I'm not so naive as to forget the world we live in, I'm feeling a little empty, is all. All you cold, frigid people who've ever felt the secret need to be held; take note. We; The Huggers, all need to be filled back up once in a while. From our perspective it is absolutely infantile to see that all of this hostility, all of this frustration, all of this insecurity could be cured with the open arms of another, waiting to give back the very love we give away so freely. As for all of you who say we're to needy; where are you when your feeling cold and alone? Those of you who pull away, when you see us coming, we're not so naive that we don't realize how lonely your truly feeling, we feel that same cold when we're ignored.

A world with no Huggers ... how cold would that be ...

I don't think that we, The Huggers, The Lovers of the world, have yet to give up on any of you, the cold, and unfeeling. So rest assured that when you need our arms, in spite of yourself, we'll undoubtedly be here, waiting. After all it's one of the few times we get to feel like you really do care. Even if we're only filling you up again. Know that our tanks run dry. God forbid, we ever do organize, we are the keepers of compassion, and that's not something any of you could do without! I'm holding out for your change of heart! Love, S.

- A Little More About, "Who Am I? ...

- All my other stuff ...