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Sunday, October 7, 2012

- Sara bought me a new hat ... }:)

     - Sara bought me a new hat …  }:)

“When will you two grow up”? “You two are still so immature”.

The answers here respectively are:

 1)-“Hopefully never, & if we've pissed you off, then I guess we’re well on our way” and,

 2)- “Thank God”!

Yes; for the half dozen or so “Atheists” or “Anti-Theists” that will undoubtedly read this & look down your nose at me, ... I thank God.

The saddest part of it all for me? & I can write it here, without fear of contradiction. I know teenagers more “grown up” then I am. You all forget how fuck’n awesome it is to spend a Saturday night reading comic books in a blanket fort w/ your best friend. You’re so caught up in arguing that there is no God, or paying off your new flat panel LCD that you forget, & it is sad. I’ve even had some of you “anti-religion” groupies “literally” throw New Testament Scripture at me here, “aren’t we supposed to put away childish things Stacey”. You don’t even get that you’re proving my point.
Childlike ignorance and innocence is the only way I can ever imagine looking at this world we live in, & if some Jew figured this out 2Kyrs. ago, I say “atta boy”. I wasn’t there so I can only paraphrase, but I think the story goes something like this: “He motioned to the children, & said you have to become like these to enter the kingdom of heaven”. Well, I’m the most immature 43yr. old I know, & I feel like I’m living in heaven every day of my life. Sure sometimes it sucks ass, sometimes bills are too much, sometimes dicks run their rhetoric all over my FB page, & even offend my 70yr. old aunt with their B.S. but I have faith that they’ll learn from their mistakes, & remind myself that I wouldn’t have it any other way. After all, I’m the very same guy who tells all of these young people to “question everything”, “take nothing at face value”, & “never stop learning”. I think I may camp out in a blanket fort tonight with my PS3, & my little 20” flat panel, I love your kidz new technology  }:)
I guess I’ve learned that, in many ways the fighting has to stop. Certainly, as a people we have to put down our sticks & stones, but I’m discussing more than this. It’s far more important to allow each other our individuality in the name of peace & brotherhood then it is to be combative for combat’s sake. I would much rather, share your time, agree that your opinion has value and should be considered then combat your ideas with relentless rhetoric. To be sure, non-violence has been proven to have a far more enduring effect. What I’m discussing here is far more important; far more enduring in its “lasting effects”.
I’ve been accused of being “Dramatic, just like my sisters”, I’ve been accused of being “judgemental”, & if you’ve read from the top of the page, most recently, being “immature”. To these & many more I say: “suck a dick fag-bot, (that’s gotta be counted as pretty childish & immature!) you obviously know nothing about me, or my beautiful, educated & amazing sisters, & that’s your own short sighted bullshit & your loss. I am not losing sleep, Richard”.
The relationships I enjoy with my sisters today, are the direct result of “adults” growing & evolving and learning that the fighting has to stop. It’s no longer passing judgement on the very people you claim to love, it’s giving those people you claim to care for the freedom to be whom they are, & then choosing to love them anyway! I choose to embrace the childlike, immaturity that is Stacey Gaudette today; I got to find him again a couple of years ago. He came to me while trapped in an apartment with those very same sisters, & he fell in love with those amazing women. The only drama, he found came from those people who never took any time to get to know the people they point their crooked fingers at.
Learning not to fight, means that I don’t obsess any more. Money, bills all of the stressors in life are still there, to be sure, the world continues to spin around me, but I choose not to step into the whirlwind. Even if it’s only metaphorically; that childish little asshole, Stacey Gaudette, can punch ‘dicks in the face & tell ‘em to fuck off.  I choose freedom, freedom to soak up all the goodness & joy in my life; my wife, my children, my friends and all of their accomplishments. I can enjoy the home we have, & the food in our cupboards. Really, what else do any of us need!?
When I was a small 10yr. old boy, I didn’t ask where the Kap’n Krunch came from, I just poured a massively huge bowl, curled into a cozy spot on the couch on Saturday morning, &  slung webs across New York city with Spidey. I had complete, pure & perfect faith that next Saturday would be the exact same. You can call it trust, confidence, belief, assurance, or reliance; whatever word you need to make it more palatable, but that’s the very essence of the problem. What difference does it make what word I choose to use? Why not choose to look for the essence of what I’m writing? We don’t have to offer opinions on every single thing we see, or read. Sometimes we can allow an experience to just affect us, & ponder that, “experience it”. Who, or what is judgmental when picking apart every aspect of someone’s writing & then hiding behind some self-appointed “right” to comment? All of this worldly, whirlwind B.S. takes away from the opportunity to learn, to experience and to be changed.
If there’s any one thing I can pin to a cork board that defines me, & my experience, so far, in this life; it’s that I have been “malleable” , I’ve made this pliability a part of my person from the very earliest days I can recall. A strong desire to learn & be changed by the people & experiences in my life is one thing I’ve taken from my childhood & held fast; to this very day. It also, sadly, becomes very easy to recognize people who are not like this; those “rigid” inflexible few who are convinced that theirs is the only way. Their fear controlled lives are palpable.
I know that while today I may hold firm to my belief that white is white & black is black; tomorrow one person’s view may allow me to see shades of grey I never imagined, that’s exciting to me. I refuse to believe that my opinion is the end all & be all. Call me immature, call me over dramatic, and say I’m just like my sisters, & I’ll say thank-you, they are amazing women, yet I know that the loss is yours, because as you call names & throw stones you’ve never taken the time, you lack a very important part of the human experience … especially funny for me because a PhD once told me that my “childlike approach to life is evolved”.

- He’s the very same man that originally encouraged me to start keeping a blog!

 - Pissin' People Off Since 1997 ... Love; S.

- A Little More About, "Who Am I? ...

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