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Saturday, August 4, 2012

- Anonymous Contribution ...

 - Please, appreciate as I do, an individual's choice to contribute anonymously. There is no need, nor any room for stone throwing here. I deeply respect the need for anonymity in many arenas of life, & if the internet can provide that, I'm grateful for yet another contribution ... 

 - A very compelling insight ...

Are both okay? Hey look, don't get me wrong... I'm a double-blind study kinda person. But, while waiting for the results, I rely on my faith to get me through! Golden, I read with relish your well thought out responses. Articulate, insightful and with sound reasoning to back up your stance, while not bashing others. Stacey, I'm glad you saw that this post (Adam's Recent Response) was worth the read... and the discernment. But maybe, just maybe... there's those who stand with a foot on both sides of the line! Not just an 'if you're not with me you're against me' way to think. And, why not?

It matters... of course it matters. This debate provides the impetus to have meaningful discourse over that which has caused humanity to bring the best and worst out in itself. Believe or Don't Believe? Creation or Evolution? By and by, humanity evolves their thinking, as Golden aptly points out. And we can handily see how living things evolve over time to adapt to their environment in order to survive. So, do I (and many other educated, uneducated, intelligent, simple, burdened, unburdened... humans who also believe in a 'higher being / power') believe in evolution. Of course! It's blatantly apparent!

But (you know there's always a 'but') under the things-that-make-you-go-'hmmmmm' department, there are very real and documented happenings that all the see-touch-feel-hear-smell-know kind of logic in the world doesn't explain. Oh sure, I could go on to list some, or tell you about the one I've personally experienced, but that would only throw the conversation into the proving or disproving of these events (you know some of you would 'go there') and sidetrack the point. The higher thinking is... maybe, just maybe... it isn't one or the other. Maybe it's both!

I picture a Belief Venn diagram! Simple, nope. Possible, yep. Why Golden, even you refer to something 'miraculous' ;-) Don't mean to catch you up... my case in point is 'why not?'! Why not come to the understanding that the validity of see-touch-feel-hear-smell-know (and this includes know that you don't know and seek to find out) can give us a good moral compass, and produce new discoveries for the masses, and move us toward acceptance of differences, and support of intolerance for bigotry, hate and oppression? Why not come to the understanding that a higher power (which is recognized in its many forms) is the explanation for that which is miraculous? I know I can't explain miraculous happenings! Can you? A simple 'I don't know' doesn't cut it in my book. I'm all for accepting the fact that there are things I don't know. Things that the most learned people in the world don't know.... yet. A cure for cancer, for instance. Will a higher power come along and plant the cure for cancer in the mind of someone so that there's no more cancer? Likely not! Have there been miraculous happenings in the cancer world? Yep! Some of the most brilliant physicians in the world would tell you, "I don't believe in God, but I do believe in miracles." These double-blind study, don't-believe-in-God, brilliant human beings have witnessed miraculous happenings.

I'll count myself amongst the group of people that have realized this more recent adaptation in human evolution. When it comes to something that is simply beyond comprehension, simply unexplainable, seemingly hopeless, I will not be deterred in my search for the answer, while finding strength in a higher power to continue to look and having the faith that I may just find an answer... or perhaps experience another miracle. Now, not everybody needs to, chooses to, wants to... what-have-you... believe in such a power. They might even be okay with 'I don't know'. And that's fine. Whatever floats your boat. But as for me... I'm living in the best of both worlds!

Someone you just might know.

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