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Monday, July 30, 2012

- So Over The B.S. }:(

 - O.K. ; seriously, when will you all take a step back, put your "opinion" aside, & consider another idea? 

No One Really Knows, & What Does It Matter Any Way

That's it. That's all; end of discussion. Director General of CERN, Rolf Heuer, after discovering the Higgs/Boson or God Particle is still paraphrased as saying there's even more questions now. Lead scientist Ari Patrinos who lead the study to map the human genome; in my humble opinion, an even greater and more significant feat, can also be paraphrased as saying that this discovery leads only to far more questions. So if your paying attention, these ground breaking feats of human science lead to far more questions then answers.

Let's assume, let's "Hypothesize" for a moment. I'll pose the theory, you speculate. Adam & Jamie go ahead with their study, and stumble upon ground breaking proof that shatters forever the idea of creationism. What happens next? Do all the non-believer's take to the streets? Do they finally get their parade, the week after "Pride Celebrations"? Maybe they all launch into legislation to take back funding from separate schools, or have all faith based education removed from society. How would that be better then the hate mongering that exists today? I have freedom, just as long as I believe what you tell me to!? If I don't then you look down on me, or I'm stupid, gullible, "un-educated". Well I guess all the PhD's in theology musta been dumbasses all along! My question is basic: to what end? What does it mean? Really, what would it change? So you have your proof, ... now what? What life changing event would take place that would make me or any other person of faith have a better life? You get your "I told you so", & get to publicly pat each other on the back, ... O.K. ... Now What !?

 - or maybe ...

Jesus shows up, he materializes in front of hundreds of millions of live television viewers; w/ Bill Maher on his lap! It's like a scene right out of Star Trek, "zzzzzzzupe" right next to Anderson Cooper, just as Bill's choking back a big, sticky, green bowl of Strawberry Cough. He says: "all the atheists need a hug", that the real far right evangelicals are "whack jobs that need to stop putting words in his mouth". Then he says he'll be sticking around just for a couple of weeks. He wants to take care of some things, like making sure all of Oprah and Trump's money goes to the homeless, while these two annoying shits get real jobs like cleaning out cow barns for dairy farmers; "appropriate justice for overt corporate crimes", he says. He then assures us that the book of Revelations was a joke that Paul wrote while he was bent on some bad wine, and all he really wanted for us; was to see everyone smile more often. He feels bad about disease but he's gonna make sure that the dicks who screwed w/ the food chain get what's coming to them, he's gonna fix that, the hunger problem & wants us to learn to Crank the Tunes more often, & lighten up. O.K. !? ... Now what? What really changes? A world of haters, non-believers & skeptics would remain ...

 - what if ...

To the atheist scenario 2 is an absolute joke; laughable, insulting maybe. To the practicing Christian, the whole idea of 1 and/or 2 may be insulting if not down right offensive. To me, it's all meaningless, because in the grand scheme while all this energy is wasted on pointless debate; I prefer to find reasons for offering compassion and understanding to both sides, and everyone in between. What if? ... what if that's the grand purpose? What if, while all this pointless bullshit bickering and arguing grabs so many in it's tornado of mindless finger pointing, the real epiphany comes to the few who choose to say: "So What, Who Cares Who's Right & Who's Wrong, What Does It Matter Anyway"!? That's my truth, I choose to look for common ground & understanding, & if that's Holier Then Thou, then I don't give a shit, because I'm not the one passing judgement. I'm on a public forum, not limited to family & friends, offering an idea ...

Discussion, debate, the sharing of ideas in a Mutually Beneficial forum has it's place. From the beginnings of civilization these are the tried, tested & proven tools to grow our humanity. Awareness is key though, and the awareness that some things can not be legislated escapes many of us. A persons faith, belief & desires are shaped within the individual. These are honed through singular, personal experience. The morality of a man Is His Own & must be a personal journey, encouraged from the earliest days of consciousness. The reverse is bitter, angry rebellion. Parents for generations have broken hearts to prove this, add infinitum.

 - so there it is, comment away, the box beneath remains open }:) ... Love; S.


Adam Golden said...

Ok, starting from the top. It’s true that no one really knows. However once upon a time no one really knew the shape of the earth, whether the earth revolved around the sun, or vice versa. In those times I’m sure that there were those that said “ What does it matter anyway?” but due to the questioning of a few intrepid questioners who studied, explored, and made educated assumptions based on observable realities eventually both of those unknowable questions were answered.
What does it matter? Why is the debate important? It’s important because what we have here is two diametrically opposed systems of thought, both of which deal with the most important questions of human reality, and only one of which can be correct. The first system is one based on reasoned careful study of secular data such as history, physics, geology, palaeontology and a host of other scientific disciplines which are themselves based on carefully gathered factual information which can be tested, proved or disproved and reproduced at will. This first system tells us that both the creation of the universe, and the creation and development of our race, and all other species was a slow process of trial and error over trillions of years. Ultimately culminating in a set of circumstances just right for our development and growth as a species.
The second system is based on a few texts written in an age when superstition supernaturalism and mysticism were rampant on the earth. This system requires that it’s adherents accept it’s teachings and principles absolutely, without the benefit of demonstrable facts, or corroborating evidence. It values obedience over exploration, acceptance of doctrine over critical reasoning and has throughout history taken the view that all truth comes from itself and no other source. It is a system committed to the suppression of facts which don’t conform to it’s stated truths. A system which has throughout human history suppressed, persecuted, and even murdered those who have proven, with hard evidence, the fact that their doctrines are incorrect.
If that weren’t enough there is more than one variation of the second system. Each one absolutely certain that it is the “one true faith” and so these various faiths war against each other as well as against the secular system. Often these are symbolic wars such as the war against contraception or the war against medical intervention, but just as often these conflicts are literal wars. The Iran/Iraq war, the Serbian conflict, the various African religious genocides, and most notably the Crusades to name a few. Whether literal or symbolic the cost of these wars in both material and Human lives is shockingly sickeningly high.
Why does it matter? Because in an age where we control weapons capable of demolishing whole cities at a go, in a time when we can control viruses of such lethality that they can kill tens of millions in a matter of days we can not afford to look at the world through any lense but that of hard, proven fact. We cannot afford to have an electorate who believe that the prophesized end of days is close at hand and welcome it. We cannot afford to have leaders who believe that their god is on their side and so they can do no wrong.

Adam Golden said...

In an age when our understanding of ourselves, our world, and the universe has reached heights undreamed of by any age before us we are beginning to have the ability to truly understand the miraculous scope and depth of the wonders of reality. Through our telescopes and microscopes we have the ability to witness wonders and truths which should relegate the posturing gods of the old books to insignificance. But rather than this being the case what we have is a world of religious moderates who are quick to distance themselves from the distasteful parts of their own literature, to separate themselves from the “radical” practitioners of their faiths ( who more often than not are doing no more than holding true to a literal reading of those same texts) and instead what was once literal fact is transmuted into metaphor meant to be interpreted. “ Ok so we were wrong about that, but the rest is absolutely true.” or “ You can’t take it literally, it’s meant to be interpreted” become the common refrains of these moderates who hold to their beliefs more out of tradition or apathy than any real faith.
Why does it matter? Because followers of this second system demand the right to have their faith held up in our institutions of learning along side subjects such as math and science, as though they share a level of truth or veracity. Because whole generations of children are raised to believe that faith is more important than evidence. That if your faith and your reason come into conflict it is your reason that is at fault. That morality comes from faith and without faith there would be no morality, completely ignoring the fact that most of the most heinous offences against morality in human history can be directly traced back to faith of one type or another.
Why does it matter? Because we have been ruled by fear and superstition for too long! Because the age of knowledge and reason so long sought by so many is upon us and it is no longer necessary to lean on the crutch of supernaturalism for support. It is important because the world is faced by real problems and god (allah, vishnu, thor, imhotep, whatever) is not going to save us. Science might save us, reason might save us, a critical, thoughtful educated outlook on reality might save us, but only if we can put aside the antiquated ideas that limit and divide so many of us and concentrate on the simple secular truth that nothing is going to happen unless we make it happen.
No one really knows but isn’t working toward discovery through study, the application of reason and the gathering and testing of observable fact a better, nobler and more productive use of our time and energy than clinging to outdated parables and social strictures because we fear a death we don’t understand or because we’ve fallen prey to the crippling belief that we are somehow incapable of anything glorious in and of ourselves? It’s time to reclaim the power we, somewhere along the line, ceded to some outside caregiver.
Those two scientists at the beginning to of the blog both stated that their work led to more questions. Just because we don’t have the answers doesn’t mean they aren’t out there, and just because we don’t understand a thing doesn’t make it divine or magical. If religion had had it’s way neither of those learned and exceptional men would have been allowed to seek their answers let alone find them. All exploration and experimentation would have long ago ceased because all that we need to know was set down for us by shepherds and fishermen twenty centuries beforehand. All logical thought would be suspended in favour of mysticism and subjugation to invisible spirits, and THAT is why it matters!!

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