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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

- Thank-You ...

- a very serious Thank-You, to all of the men and women who have served their countries so bravely. Know that your valiant and selfless acts, have not gone UN appreciated. I take very seriously the freedoms that we enjoy. This Brings me to an insanely undeniable point. Imagine each and every available voter showed up at the polls !? What would it take to, en-masse, educate every eligible voter of the very power resting in their hands, with the simple stroke of an "X". In the words of the Wicked Witch; "what a world, what a world !" I may be a little "off ", but I seriously fantasize about the power we would collectively have if even 1/4 of the eligible voters who don't bother came out and gave us their voice. Don't believe for a second that Mr. Dalton McGuinty doesn't appreciate their collective absence at the ballot box! That Liberal piece of trash sports his Mandatory Poppy, while his Party's Sense of Entitlement sucks the life out of Provincial Parliament. I'll tell you this, the Generation that has kept them in Power all these years is moving on and in their wake comes a pissed off, sick and tired MASS of "Generation X'ers" and guess what Dalton, we are the first generation that came into a world where High School was a minimum requirement, we're not happy with the way our children are being lost in the educational system! We can read and we're not happy with the way our Global Precedent Setting health care system has been butchered! We have access to more information than any generation yet, hell we're putting it together, we're installing it in your laptops, we're writing the code dude! Wake up! A message, to all Liberals, Provincial, Federal, and those long gone into Hiding! Your not entitled to Squat! Generation X, is older, we've put away our Parachute Pants, but We're holding on to the skinny leather ties cause they're definitely coming back, We're educated and we ain't happy with the Canada our Parents left us. We're happy for the pre-paid funerals, cause it'll give us more time to fix the joke you now call our government. I'd suggest you take your sickeningly large pensions, and move on now. How much do you get for 8 years federal service? what about 8 years provincial service? Just a question. My wife's M.S. Meds weren't covered by anyone, although I'm sure had I been an M.P. or even an M.P.P. she'd be treated like a queen, average factory workers don't qualify for that level of service.

Hey, don't get me wrong, I can think of a lot worse places to be living. It just sickens me to see men and women who get into public service, on a less than sincere promise, with assurances that their constituents will come first, right up until the moment their rear end takes the seat they've won. Than their home riding's become a distant memory, while they vacation on the sunny shores of Cuba. How many weeks off do you people need anyway? Imagine an Ontario, where even 60% or 70%, of the available eligible voters were waiting in line to cast their vote, to speak with the power of their "X" scary eh, Dalton? Then again your pension has you and your family well taken care of doesn't it? You made sure to garner support for some friends to eh? Isn't the freedom, to vote our conscious, speak our mind, worship who we want to, and Seek out our own opinions and beliefs exactly what you Brave, Selfless Men And Women Sacrificed for in the first place? I will never take your gift Lightly, I'm sorry your government doesn't support you more sincerely, hey wait a minute, didn't they wear their poppies? Love, S.

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