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Friday, November 30, 2007

- I'm stuck, it's been days since I've had even the Slightest idea of what to write. Man,I want to! Don,t get me wrong; it's just been hard. I've looked back and can't believe some of the rambling, pointless, bunny trails coming out of me. I'm sure I've offended someone, if not by content, then surely just with the painful process, of having to read the mental vomit being spewed. I do not want to become some lighthouse pointing the way toward bitterness and anger. I apologize for the junk I've recently dumped, it's quite simply the best forum for it. Unfortunately, you get stuck reading about my pitiful, poor me; hard done by; everyone take pity on the poor bald man; CRAP. I'm investigating many different forms of healing right now. From, Yoga to Mindful Meditation, and all points in between. Sara took a job yesterday ((Friday Nov.30/2007)), it is something she's been wanting for some time. For my part; I'm hoping that this will eventually take off, and give me some opportunity to share my experience, strength & hope with others. We're definitely at a transition, I'm not sure what will come but, I'm faithful that it will be positive. After that last blow up, I've been very encouraged by the dialogue Sara & I share. It is exquisite, in depth, and full with compassion. I sense a very real desire to hear one another. Really, quite passionate! I'ld love some input from anyone.

The most, inspirational happening of late would have to be the "Mindful Meditations" I've been successful in. So far, 1 ten minute, and 2 twenty minute sittings. Where I was able to be concius and aware. These were very empowering experiences, and I can now honestly say I'm looking forward to these times. I'm a little frustrated but, comitted to finding ways to expand and hopefully reach out to others. PLEASE LINK THIS BLOG IF YOU FEEL IT MAY TOUCH OTHERS !!!

I am also comitted to helping, if I can help you, please let me know, I'll be praying for you! Love, S.

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