Just so your completely aware, this one is sure to piss some people off, & I hope it does!
- I am so completely offended with the number of people that allow their children to continue on, living in bondage in the name of "Christianity". It sickens me. Do you know what the "Burka" & "Pro-Lifers" have in common? I'll tell ya; it's bondage my friends. Yeah that's right; shackles & chains bondage.
- Recoil in horror if you must, but tell me how either is different, they both collar women around the neck, under the assumption that they cannot think for themselves. Both; have the mothers, daughters & sisters you claim to love chained to the notion that they must have certain decisions legislated for them. Who's fighting for the unborn? How about the woman, in who's body that child exists? I fail to see how that is the Vatican, the Pastor, or the Government's business. Are we not free? Oh yeah, by the way, if she's too immature, does she not have a mother of her own, a sister, an aunt? Maybe provide her with a female mentor, & the knowledge of the Free Will she was born with.
- If you want to do something for the women in your life, teach them, educate them, empower them. Allow them to soar and embrace the power of choice in their lives. Set them free to become all they can be, teach them that they are worthy of trust, and then Trust Them to make those choices for themselves; celebrate their victories & catch them, coddle them, and comfort them when and if they fall.
- Study history, study the story behind the scriptures that are Preached At You. Jesus of Nazareth said "It is Finished", he set us free. That pre-supposes freedom from the bondage of Man Made legislation.
- I don't know about you, but for me, there are 4 sisters, 9 aunts, my wife & mother-in-law, 2 sisters in-law, & a strong educated daughter, 6 smart beautiful nieces and some 11 more aunts through marriage. I'm also blessed with beautiful, strong women I call second nieces, cousins, second cousins, & cousins through marriage. In everyone of those cases I find strong educated women; more then capable of making decisions concerning their health & well being. I don't believe any of them need The Government, The Vatican, Their Pastor, or least of all "me" telling them what's good for their bodies. In each case I believe they are surrounded by friends & family that support them, love them, & believe in their ability to make healthy, educated choices and decisions.
- Just In Case You Don't Know, I Believe In You !!! You Are Smart, Wise, Beautiful & Capable Of Making All Of The Decisions That Will Affect The Life Your Living, You Are Strong, Powerful & Amazing !!!
- Love, S. }:)
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