Hey All,
- I was lookin for inspiration today, & Oh Boy, did I find it!
- It was right under the post from Thursday, Nov. 15 / 2007.
- I can't believe a post from almost four years ago received comments a month after mom passed away. What does it mean? I don't know, but I can tell you this, I'm hoping & praying that this person contacts me. While I've never been very "quiet" about the years past, my recovery, or much of anything. (be nice!), many are those that find it impossible to speak. I totally understand. I know what it feels like to be in fear, to live with the shame, the guilt, to wake up with the filth you can't wash off. I've felt like even thinking about the monster would bring it, (him) back to life. I've barely existed some days, choosing to not think about it, believing that would make it all go away. I know, & I have lived with all the cliche's, all the fears, all of the shame, and wondered aloud if I had ever really been free. I've spoke to rooms of 200 or more people, sharing my story, only to be mocked under whispers, & told, "I shared too much". Living under the weight of, other people's shame, is not living.
- Today, I will seek justice. I refuse to back away. So many hopes & dreams have gone un-finished, un-done, & half realized. Not this, not today; be warned Blake Morton. your time is up. The cold dark hands of fate are closing in, at the front of the line you will not see a small, weak little boy. This line forms behind a 6'4", 220lb. man. It is my deepest prayer that the word gets out, & those whose lives you've wreaked your stench upon will stand beside me, or line up behind me, ... you will be held accountable.
The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.
(Leo Tolstoy)
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