So I'm hoping everyone enjoyed their 4.20 celebrations yesterday. Sara & I had our invitation sitting in our living room, and then we remembered, uh, yeah, we have kids to raise and hypocrisy to avoid, so no, thanks though. Remind us not to give a shit that you were in need of help next time, and we'll just pass you by!
Hey Man, don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm judging you, really! I encourage all people to do their own thing, and just be yourselves. Seek happiness in just being you. After all, being true to yourself is the hardest job of all! It's the daily B.S. & Rhetoric, that fat bloated monster you feed, called "Hypocrisy" that makes me sick. Give me an educated example of why you live the way you do, and God help me, be brave enough to be truthful, and I'll have no recourse but to respect your position. Give me hypocrisy, & B.S. and, ... well, bring a mirror ...
Yesterday, during the the 4.20, Gala celebrations in Victoria Pk. one "Mjr.Douchebag", was heard spewing his, "Strawberry Cough" induced rhetoric to a reporter. His opinion was not the noteworthy aspect of his rambling rant, no it seems, he was firm enough in his convictions to bring his 14 month old daughter to the festivities. (Horrified Mothers Everywhere Unite). But wait, isn't this example the very crux of the argument? So passionate am I; regarding my beliefs, my ideals, and my chosen lifestyle, right down to the Diamondhead, & Megadeath music I listen to, that it is the essence of the home my children grow up in. Watch from the sidelines, my kids know the open book, HIPOCRISY FREE home, (we strive to provide), to be centered in TRUTH! Can you say the same, or are you living two lives? Don't kid yourself, the kids you raise can smell, B.S. The same way they can smell your clothes, & the perfume you use to cover up your living hypocrisy.
I made my choice. Truth & Honesty, as a living example, was far easier then to perpetuate the B.S. hypocrisy that was my home as a kid. Isn't our job as parents to provide better, to break the cycle, and give them a fighting chance? They really didn't ask to be here! Good or bad, their very existence is the result of the choices we've made. Wanna screw with a kid's head? Tell 'em one thing, then turn around and do another; "I like to party, but I don't do it around the kids"!? If you can't reconcile your habits, and being a parent, maybe you should give one, or the other up! At the very least, "Mjr.Douchebag", could live his truth, and wasn't afraid to share his truth with the world. "I believe in what I'm doing, my kids will know I believe in what I'm doing, I won't hide who I am from my children". Honesty, that I can respect, ... I'll shake my head, feel broken hearted for the life this innocent child will face, but at the very least Dad, wasn't hiding behind any B.S. double standard. Mr.Douchebag has no Hypocrisy in his life! Horrified Mothers, living with a double standard of their own, should take notes! Mr.Douchebag's kids will grow up with truth, honesty and no hypocrisy. Sure Dad's a stoner, but he's not full of shit!
Hey Man, don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm judging you, really! I encourage all people to do their own thing, and just be yourselves. Seek happiness in just being you. After all, being true to yourself is the hardest job of all! It's the daily B.S. & Rhetoric, that fat bloated monster you feed, called "Hypocrisy" that makes me sick. Give me an educated example of why you live the way you do, and God help me, be brave enough to be truthful, and I'll have no recourse but to respect your position. Give me hypocrisy, & B.S. and, ... well, bring a mirror ...
Yesterday, during the the 4.20, Gala celebrations in Victoria Pk. one "Mjr.Douchebag", was heard spewing his, "Strawberry Cough" induced rhetoric to a reporter. His opinion was not the noteworthy aspect of his rambling rant, no it seems, he was firm enough in his convictions to bring his 14 month old daughter to the festivities. (Horrified Mothers Everywhere Unite). But wait, isn't this example the very crux of the argument? So passionate am I; regarding my beliefs, my ideals, and my chosen lifestyle, right down to the Diamondhead, & Megadeath music I listen to, that it is the essence of the home my children grow up in. Watch from the sidelines, my kids know the open book, HIPOCRISY FREE home, (we strive to provide), to be centered in TRUTH! Can you say the same, or are you living two lives? Don't kid yourself, the kids you raise can smell, B.S. The same way they can smell your clothes, & the perfume you use to cover up your living hypocrisy.
I made my choice. Truth & Honesty, as a living example, was far easier then to perpetuate the B.S. hypocrisy that was my home as a kid. Isn't our job as parents to provide better, to break the cycle, and give them a fighting chance? They really didn't ask to be here! Good or bad, their very existence is the result of the choices we've made. Wanna screw with a kid's head? Tell 'em one thing, then turn around and do another; "I like to party, but I don't do it around the kids"!? If you can't reconcile your habits, and being a parent, maybe you should give one, or the other up! At the very least, "Mjr.Douchebag", could live his truth, and wasn't afraid to share his truth with the world. "I believe in what I'm doing, my kids will know I believe in what I'm doing, I won't hide who I am from my children". Honesty, that I can respect, ... I'll shake my head, feel broken hearted for the life this innocent child will face, but at the very least Dad, wasn't hiding behind any B.S. double standard. Mr.Douchebag has no Hypocrisy in his life! Horrified Mothers, living with a double standard of their own, should take notes! Mr.Douchebag's kids will grow up with truth, honesty and no hypocrisy. Sure Dad's a stoner, but he's not full of shit!
Love S.
1 comment:
We need to have our "walk" match our talk. If not our words have no value to those who see our actions. For truth to happen, actions and words much match.
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