- I pray you'll all forgive me this brief indulgence. I never imagined a time when I would use this venue as a place to vent yet, I feel drawn to this opportunity. You see, I've recently found myself in a very unexpected situation. The one person who has lied to me more than anyone in history, who has danced on my heart like a dog rolling on a dead bird, has come out and inundated me with more truth than I could have ever expected. Love means that I can offer this person the same soft landing pad that was offered to me all those years ago, and expect that hurt and difficulty will come with the territory.
- Yes my pretties, the old standard holds true, anything worth having Never comes easy. For any person to say that "what I had was never like work"; well That person is full of SH*T. Yes, I've been told that their is another who wanted to comment on my thoughts here. This person just never had the coins to do it; let alone the Grown Up ability to say anything to my face. Those who know, will understand that I have never closed a door without opening a window. I am; a most open, willing, understanding person. I'm not bragging because I can back it up. I will submit the events of my marriage recently. If you've actually read anything here you'd understand that I simply submit my thoughts and ideas, I welcome criticism, if only for the opportunity to learn myself. I will never lie to you, yet if the "Thirty -Plus" incoming phone calls per month are not proof of your lies ("I never use her phone..."); than what else is?
- Marriage is not perfect, there is no such thing. If we are to believe even half of the BULLSH*T, you spew out of your mouth, than I'd like an autograph Cinderella, cause I had no idea that Prince Charming truly existed. Hey, by the by; I guess you didn't live Happily Ever After did ya ? Guess what, I can walk away from the computer to spend time with my kids. I watched my life fall apart and still gave every available MOMENT to my kids. They've never guessed where I am because They Know. You complain about your situation, and fail to realize that bad things happen to good people everyday! You choose to boo-hoo. Thousands of people pick themselves up from far worse scenarios. Thousands of single parents, create play days, plan day trips, and have imaginations that allow them to be active members of their children's lives. Help a kid with homework, or plan a date with a complete stranger? Your choice.
- After years of lies, hurt, dishonesty, and deception; (-that you encouraged and took an active part in!) I Returned Understanding, Love, and Forgiveness. You pass judgement on Me? HA! Look In The Mirror at what you've become. If nothing else, we have love, we have each other, we have a family and we have the desire to make a better life for ourselves. Oh Yeah, neither of us is going to bed with rubber tonight, we'll be sleeping beside a very real, very warm, very human SPOUSE; our marriage very much intact, NO THANKS TO YOU REQUIRED.
- Do you know what the most important part of this whole event for me has been? I'll tell ya! As I look back; I can see my own part in it all. I could sit here now and itemize every dirty detail. I have phone records, e-mails, pics, and chat names. I have more on everyone involved than I even care to go into. The point is this, I NEVER called anyone out on anything! I had more opportunities than I knew what to do with. Opportunities to throw a phone bill in your face and call you a liar, showing you the thirty-plus incoming phone calls a month; and I never did it. I chose to look at myself instead, and how I could improve. How I could be a better husband, a better father, a better friend. I'm not just talking about my own home life either, I'm talking about you, while you were lying to my face, and butchering my name to anyone who would listen; I was trying to find a way to be a better friend, To You. I invited you to share New Years Eve, Invited my Best Friend to provide companionship for you. Always putting you first, for all the right reasons. I've done this, and will continue to be the best I can, all the while you cannot possibly come up with one valid thing I have done to you that would cause you to treat me the way you have. I Have Done Nothing Wrong! I can list all of the things I need to work on, ways to better myself, for my wife, for our children, for my friends; and they are all things I've already admitted to. These things, get better everyday. What can you admit to? You never would, you have no opinion, because you refuse to accept anyone else's. You've never "Given Me The Time of Day"; you judge and condemn anyone who challenges your own train of thought, because you just might have to look at the train wreck you've created.
- Do you know what the most important part of this whole event for me has been? I'll tell ya! As I look back; I can see my own part in it all. I could sit here now and itemize every dirty detail. I have phone records, e-mails, pics, and chat names. I have more on everyone involved than I even care to go into. The point is this, I NEVER called anyone out on anything! I had more opportunities than I knew what to do with. Opportunities to throw a phone bill in your face and call you a liar, showing you the thirty-plus incoming phone calls a month; and I never did it. I chose to look at myself instead, and how I could improve. How I could be a better husband, a better father, a better friend. I'm not just talking about my own home life either, I'm talking about you, while you were lying to my face, and butchering my name to anyone who would listen; I was trying to find a way to be a better friend, To You. I invited you to share New Years Eve, Invited my Best Friend to provide companionship for you. Always putting you first, for all the right reasons. I've done this, and will continue to be the best I can, all the while you cannot possibly come up with one valid thing I have done to you that would cause you to treat me the way you have. I Have Done Nothing Wrong! I can list all of the things I need to work on, ways to better myself, for my wife, for our children, for my friends; and they are all things I've already admitted to. These things, get better everyday. What can you admit to? You never would, you have no opinion, because you refuse to accept anyone else's. You've never "Given Me The Time of Day"; you judge and condemn anyone who challenges your own train of thought, because you just might have to look at the train wreck you've created.
- The events you've endured are just that, Events. How we, as adults, overcome these happenings in our lives defines us as people, and will ultimately define the opinion our children will form of us, as parents. You can't even be a presence in their lives, as much as you are present in the lives of complete strangers. How do you think that makes them feel? To know, each night, that your pursuits on-line are far more a priority for you than, the events in their lives. Guess What, "they are not O.K.", they won't be "O.K." The next time you want someone to believe that "The Kids Will Be Fine", maybe you should look at what's happening in your own life. Comment, call me "Full of Sh*T", what others have found and maybe you will one day is that I'm not afraid. I welcome your opinions; for whatever they are worth. Maybe I'll dismiss them, maybe I'll be better for them. I'm open to it all. The biggest reason ... I'm Not Afraid of the Truth, therefore I'm Not Afraid to be Wrong. Truth, that may be a new concept for you. You only have to tell it once, embarrassing as it may be. You'll have the respect of yourself and others for your ability to embrace it. Apologies to you all, this needed to be done, if for no other reason but my own sanity. Thanks, Love, S.
1 comment:
in god's economy my brother it is often difficult to descern why stuff happens. The simple fact that we fall, we dust ourselves of and we turn to Him is all that is really required. He is paying attention and we will stand accountable before His throne on day. For now, it is not the day so... we walk forward holding the Hand of Jesus.
Michael <>< <>< <><
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